Cryolipolyis, commonly referred to as fat freezing, is a nonsurgical fat reduction procedure that uses cold temperature to reduce fat deposits in certain areas of the body. The procedure is designed to reduce localized fat deposits or bulges that do not respond to diet and exercise.
For Both Men and Women
One Area:
$210 ( two handles)
Two Areas:
$320 (four handles)
Three Areas:
$550 (six handles)
Four Areas:
$750 (eight handles)
Add on:
EMS Muscle Toning $100
RF Skin Tighten & Cavitation t0 enhance results: +$50
Love Handles:
Back Fat:
Axillary Puff:
Double Chin:
Inner/Outer Arms:
Inner/Outer Thighs:
One Handle:
Treatable Areas
-Beneath the chin
-upper arms
-inner and outer thighs
-abdomen hip
-upper back brassiere rolls
-underneath the buttocks.
1. Targets Common Problem Areas
—Fat Freezing targets specific areas where the body commonly stores excess pockets of fat which are resistant to diet & exercise.
2. Non-Surgical & Non-Invasive
Fat freezing is completely non-invasive.
—Throughout your treatment you will remain awake, conscious and relaxed in a private treatment room.
3. 21-38% Permanent Fat Loss
—Our Fat freezing technology has been clinically proven to permanently reduce stubborn fat in treatment areas by 21-38%, each session.
How Does It Work?
The size and shape of the fatty deposit is assessed and the area to be treated is outlined with a skin-marking pencil.
A handheld device called an applicator is used to freeze the layer of fat cells (adipocytes) underneath the skin.
First, a gel pad is applied to the area to protect the skin. Next, the fatty bulge is suctioned or vacuumed into the applicator’s hallow opening.
You will feel a tugging or pulling sensation as suction is applied. These sensations, intense cold plus other possible sensations, tingling, stinging, aching, cramping – lessen after 5 to 10 minutes as the area becomes numb during the cooling down process. The fat layer is gradually cooled to the target temperature of between 30.2 and 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit. It takes up to one hour to treat an area. After the area is treated, the applicator is removed.
The area may be massaged for 2 to 3 minutes to assist with the breakdown of the fat cells.