Laser Hair Removal

Soprano ICE is the most complete and effective laser hair removal solution available today.

By incorporating multiple laser wavelengths and technologies, Soprano ICE allows to treat the widest range of clients and hair types all year round, administer treatments quickly and comfortably and achieve the best possible clinical results

Price list Female

Full Body Laser Hair Removal- $150

Full Face Laser- $50

Full Brazilian- $60

Full Arms & Legs- $100

Price list Male

Full Body With Brazilian- $180

Full Body-No Brazilian $160

Face Laser Hair Removal- $50

Brazilian Laser Removal- $60

Upper Body- $130

Arms & Legs- $100

Any Additional Shaving- $10-$20

Full Legs- $50

Full Face- $50

Full Arms- $50

Underarms- $50

Full Brazilian ( Front & Back)- $55

Full Back- $50

Full Chest/ Stomach- $50

How Does It Work

Laser hair removal works by targeting hair follicles. The laser goes from light energy to heat energy as soon as it finds a root, which quickly destroys the base of the targeted hair follicles. Once the root dies, it loses its ability to produce hair. The leftover hair will then fall from the root base three different wavelengths combined into one, you have a speedy treatment that works on all skin types and a wide range of hair types. These wavelengths penetrate different depths of the skin simultaneously and target the treated hair follicles on multiple levels. This powerful tool is considered by many to represent the best hair removal laser technology on the market today.

Skin Prep

Avoid any form of tanning, including sunbeds

Avoid waxing or plucking the areas

Exfoliate the treatment area

Shave 24 hours before the session

Wear loose or comfortable clothing

After Care

Avoid sunlight – even if you are not likely to do it anyway. 

Prevent the use of any lubricants or chemical products for 24 hours.

Avoid hot showers, baths and saunas.